

How can I cancel my membership?

We're sorry you want to cancel your membership. To cancel your membership:

Select the Cancel membership button on the Membership panel in My Account.

Remember, you can always get a second opinion or a new answer from a different Expert.

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When will I be charged for the membership?

JustAnswer is a membership service that will automatically charge your membership fee monthly. You’ll first be charged when your 7-day trial ends, then once every 30 days, though it may take a few days for the charge to post to your account.

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Payments for questions

Can I review my order history?

You can review your recent questions by clicking on My Questions at the top of the page. You can also view your questions and the status of your orders within the past 90 days on the Order History under My Account.

If you do not see My Questions in the top corner of the page you are not signed into your account. Simply sign in and follow the instructions above.

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How much does it cost?

You will be charged a small trial fee to post a question. Any additional costs will be shown on the page where you enter your credit card information.

If you already posted a question, you can review additional charges and billing history on the Order History page.

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Why do I have to pay £5 to post my question?

The £5 charge is required to book your time with the Expert. 

To review your billing history, visit the Order History page.

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Why was my payment declined?

 We're sorry to hear you're having issues processing your payment. There are a few reasons payments may be declined. Please review the following issues to see if any apply: 

  • The credit card number, expiration date, or security code has been entered incorrectly. Try re-entering the information as it is shown on your card. 
  • The credit card has expired. Ensure that the card information tied to your account is up-to-date and accurate.  
  • The credit card account has insufficient funds. Call the toll-free number on the back of the card to ensure that the account has enough funds to cover the amount of the deposit. 
  • The credit card issuer has put a security hold on the card. Call the toll-free number on the back of the card to find out if there is a security hold on the card. Please be sure to let the card issuer know that you are trying to use the card on After you call and verify that the card has not been compromised, the company should remove the security hold. 

If none of the above measures succeed, please call or email Customer Care.

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Unrecognized charge

I don't recognize your company on my credit card statement. Who are you?

JustAnswer connects customers with doctors, lawyers, vets, mechanics, and more online, 24/7. It's the most affordable and convenient way to access expert services.

For more information about JustAnswer, please click here.

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How can I request a refund?

At JustAnswer, our first priority is to ensure you are satisfied with your experience. We almost always find a way to help every customer, but if not, please contact Customer Care.

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How do I update my payment information?

You can update your payment information anytime by clicking on My Account on the top right corner of the page. Next, click on Edit Settings.

If you're not signed into your account, sign into your account and follow the instructions above.

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